Legion of Kings
The Legion of Kings variant takes the multiple kings per side rule to the extreme. As shown in Figure 1 each player's normal row of pawns is replaced with an entire 'legion' of kings.
Legion of Kings Setup
Figure 1
Most of the standard chess rules apply to this variant, such as castling and promotion. However, its important to note the kings are real 'kings' and do not inherit special moves that a pawn could make, such as a 2-square advance, en-passant or promotion.
Multiple Kings Rule
This variant enforces the standard multiple kings rule. This rule states that if a player has more than one king they cannot be placed in check. The implications for this rule mean that when a player has more than one king, any of that player's kings may:
  • Move into a normally checking position
  • Castle out of, through or into check
  • Move next to an opponents king
  • Put in check the opponents one remaining king
  • Capture one of the opponents multiple kings
Note that once a player has only one king remaining they are instantly checkable again. Therefore, this opens up such possibilities as a player taking their opponents 2nd king, releasing the Multiple Kings Rule and thus also leaving the one remaining king in checkmate all in a single move, should the situation arise.