Super Chess
The first of the variants available on CowPlay, the Super Chess variant allows you to play on a 14x8 size board, as show in Figure 1, adding an additional set of bishops, knights and rooks either side of the king and queen.
Super Chess Setup
Figure 1
All standard chess rules apply to this variant, including en-passant, pawn's 2-square advance and promotion.
Castling Variation
In Super Chess castling is available along the base ranks between the king and all four rooks.
When castling between the king and the inner rooks on the 'd' and 'k' files, standard castling rules apply. When castling with the outer rooks on the 'a' and 'n' files, it is the rooks that do the travelling, leaving the king and rook in the same position as if they had castled with the inner rooks.

For example, white's queenside castle with the rook on a1 will leave the white king on f1 and the rook formerly on a1 moved to g1.